Sir Joseph Banks and the Australian Merino Sheep

Recently I had the pleasure of meeting via zoom with Peter Wiggins-Davies from Revesby Estate As a 6th generation farmer from a family of merino breeders since the convict William Sykes arrived in Australia in 1806 and was assigned to was assigned to John MacArthur.He was sentenced to 14 tears transportation for buying a keg […]

Take Moment – October 2024

‘Take a Moment’ –  October 2024 Autumn is a colourful time of year, a favourite of many of us. Harvest may be over for some, it used to be all brown fields harvested and ploughed ready for spring drilling, these days many will soon be drilled with spring crops and greening over again. Many farms […]

Diary of a Revesby Sheperdess

Now the Show season has finished, the sheep are having a well deserved break. The ram lambs went to Melton, but with the increase of Blue Tongue the buyers were not there, with a lot of pedigree breeders not making there reserves. So they have come home and I will see how they turn out […]

Dog Grooming on the Village Green

We are thrilled to announce the opening of ‘Fur-Get-Me-Knots’ Dog Grooming Salon by Kendal, right in the heart of our Estate! 🐶  Established in 2021, Fur Get Me Knots offers professional dog grooming for all breeds in a calm, relaxed environment, in the heart of Revesby.  Using natural and cruelty free products to achieve top […]


Deadwood supplies much of the basic food resource within a healthy woodland system. It is the base layer for the food chain if you like. However, the nutrients within the wood would be largely inaccessible if it wasn’t for fungus. The species of fungus that act as the life support system for a woodland are […]

Village Hall Kitchen Refurbishment

The Revesby Village Hall has recently undergone a kitchen transformation thanks to the funding available fromThe Lincolnshire Community Foundation (LCF) who administered a Community Grants Programme on behalf of East Lindsey.  This is being funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Rural Prosperity Fund.For more information regarding LCF visit:- Thanks to all involved who […]

Slime Moulds

Slime Moulds  Continuing the theme of species that need deadwood, I thought I would cover some of the most mysterious.Slime Moulds are strange. I think even those scientists who study them would not disagree with that statement. They strongly resemble fungus in appearance, and turn up in similar sorts of habitats such as damp grassland […]

Bat Advice

There are around six species of bat in the UK, that have a strong association with woodlands that have plenty of veteran trees and those with hollows, cracks, old woodpecker holes, rot points and or loose bark. Bats will move their roost sites often in order to cope with parasite loads, colony growth and temperature […]

Revesby Estate Education; Past and Present

Revesby Education; History and Present Day The former school situated on the Village Green at Revesby was constructed of red brick in Flemish Bond, under a pitched gabled roof of slate. Originally one central porch, though when converted to semi-detached houses this was demolished and replaced by a pair of gabled porches. The school was threatened with closure […]

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