

The Revesby Estate woodlands have a forestry commission approved management plan. Through this plan, and the research done at Revesby Estate with the Forestry Commission, we aim to have healthy woodlands that create quality produce whilst being sustainable.

We would like to thank the Lindsey Action Zone, LEADER and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development for supporting us with a forwarding trailer. It will enable us to improve both our output and efficiency in our Lincolnshire woodlands.

The Revesby Estate woodland management process

Species Selection

Revesby Estate woodland species

All of our trees are grown from English seed stock. This helps to prevent disease and reduce pest infestation, as well as supporting native tree species. We also ensure that the growing environment is appropriate in terms of shade, water availability and soil structure, giving our trees the best opportunity for healthy growth. Planting a diverse range of trees helps us to promote wildlife habitation.


Revesby Estate tree planting

Our tree planting plan ensures that all felled trees are replaced, so our woodlands remain sustainable. Trees are planted depending on the needs of the woodland, and we take steps to guard against invasive non-native species and damage from vermin. Some of our trees planted today will likely be here for the next 200 years.

Pruning And Maintaining

Revesby Estate woodland - pruning and maintenance

The process of pruning and maintenance of woodlands – called ‘brashing’ – is one of the most skilled and time-consuming aspects of woodland management, and one that many neglect. It involves the trimming of trees at all stages of growth to promote better stem formation. Brashing also improves the quality of the woodland floor, providing a better environment for a wide range of animal life, including many small mammals.


Revesby Estate woodland thinning

Through expert knowledge and experience, our woodland manager carefully selects trees to be removed so that the remaining trees can flourish. This process opens gaps for the tree canopies to develop healthily, as well as protecting against the spread of rot. This helps to both improve tree health and to improve timber quality, giving logs more uniformity and a consistent wood fuel performance.


Revesby Estate tree felling

Our felling plan ensures our commitment to long-term sustainability and our environmental responsibility. At Revesby Estate, we never ‘clear fell’ areas of our woodlands, ensuring there are no barren areas. Our management plan aims to maintain a multi-generational woodland, with a blend of young and mature trees.

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