Many Carp Above 30lbs
The Perfect Carp Fishing Experience In Lincolnshire
The main fishing reservoir dates back to the mid 1800’s. The 35 acre reservoir is our largest body of water and home to our traditional Revesby original carp stocks, which have lived in the fishing reservoir for many years.

We are proud of our Revesby original carp, which are hard fighting, disease free and have a unique dark, heavily plated scale pattern. Due to years of care, our carp have strong growth rates to ensure the fishing reservoir is always well stocked with the healthiest possible fish.
For a number of years, we have preserved and built upon this unique strain of carp. Two ponds have been converted into spawning and growing-on ponds to help us achieve this goal. To compliment our in house breeding and growing on program, we also purchase carp from leading fish farms in the UK.
We transfer our carp into the main fishing reservoir when they are around 15lbs and have many carp that are above 30lbs. We aim to provide the perfect carp fishing experience in Lincolnshire.